Saturday, March 31, 2007

Blog discussion:'The teenage years are the best years of one's life.' Would you agree with this view?

The statement that ‘teenage years are the best years of one’s life’ is one that is subjected to argument. No doubt, that many have felt that being teenager is the hardest thing in life and I am not denying it. However, I cannot entirely agree that being a teen is all bad, as it is also during these years that I have had many memorable experiences which I hold close to my heart. Being a teenager, it can be hard to agree that teenage years are the best years of one’s life. This one-sided view of teenagers is often the reason why they fail to enjoy their teen years. Below, I will state both sides of the argument.

I agree that teenage years are the best years of one’s life, as it is during this time that one establishes an identity for oneself which sets them apart from others. It is also a time when new friendships and relationships are formed. As a teenager, one can spend time with their friends, be involved in a hobby which interests them or simply lay back and watch the world go by. The best thing is that as a teen, one is not bothered by the problems that plague adults such as paying the rent or doing the laundry. Moreover, being young, teenagers are more receptive. Hence, they need less time to acquire knowledge and are more open to experiences. During these turbulent years, one also learns core values such as teamwork and trust.

However, teenage life is not entirely a bed of roses. As a teenager, one goes through hormonal changes, not only do they change physically, but mentally too. It is during this time , that most teenagers face ‘identity crisis’ whereby they might indulge in drugs or drinks just to be accepted by a popular clique or gang. This impulse, when not controlled, often causes them to stray from the right path. Furthermore, the combined stress of not being accepted by peers and not being able to cope with school, causes them to break down and resort to doing foolish things such as hurting themselves. The latest teen fad ‘emo’ whereby teens listen to gloomy music, wear dark t-shirts and wallow themselves in self-pity and loathing is increasingly becoming an issue of greater concern. This is because more teens or ‘emo kids’ as they are known are resorting to mutilating themselves, claiming that it is an outlet to release stress or merely to keep up with trend. Furthermore, when you are a teenager, it feels as if the whole world is against you and that your thoughts and opinions are of little concern to others.

Hence, we can see that teenage years can be both the best time of one’s life as well as difficult one. However, if teenagers learn to handle their emotional changes with some help and not give in to peer pressure and stress easily, they would be able to look at teenage life with a more positive outlook. As for me, I firmly agree that teenage years are the best years in one’s life.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Introduction about myself

My name is Vathsala. I was from Cedar Girls’ Secondary School previously and my CCA was Red Cross. Basically, I am soft spoken and have stage fright. Hence, I fear giving speeches in front of large crowds. I usually spend my leisure time reading books or listening to music. Reading comics is one of my favourites as it helps to ease my mind when I am stressed. I also spend a considerable amount of time reflecting on the day’s activities and my performance in school as I believe it helps to improve oneself. I have a passion for arts and animals too.